narrative text - devina putri

 Definition and function of narrative text.

Narrative text is a type of text in the form of fantasy stories, fabricated true stories, or fairy tales. Narrative text tells a story that has a chronological sequence of events that are interconnected. The purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader.

Text structure (generic structure).

The structure of the narrative text is as follows:

  • Orientation : an introduction or an opening in the form of an introduction to character, time, and place.
  • Complication : the development of conflict or the emergence of problems in the story.
  • Resolution : conflict resolution or steps taken to respond to the problem.
  • Re-orientation : closing expressions that indicate the end of a story. Re-orientation is optional or not always in narrative text .

The Example Of Narrative Text

The Owl and the Nightingale

There was once a nightingale in a cage by a window that was his habit to sing only at night. An owl was puzzled by this and went to ask the nightingale what the reason was. “When I was captured“, explained the nightingale, “it was day and I was singing. In this way I learnt to be more carefully and to sing only at night.”

“Are you afraid you might be captured a second time?” asked the owl. “Oh, it would have been better if you had been more careful the À rest time when your freedom was at risk. Now it doesn’t really matter anymore, right?”


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